
Kidney Failure​

CKD Clinic

The CKD Intervention Clinic is a one-stop holistic centre that provides complimentary kidney screening for those who are at risk or have a higher risk of developing kidney disease. Early detection and prevention are keys to tackling chronic diseases. 

The screening includes tests to detect kidney disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. Participants will also have a consultation session with our dietitian and exercise specialist on the day of screening. They will provide advice and customised care plans to keep one’s health in check.

The CKD Clinic operates every Wednesday (except on public holidays) from 9am to 11.15am and 2.15pm to 3pm.

Why is it important to go for kidney screening? 

The symptoms of kidney disease may not be noticeable until the condition is in its advanced stages. Damage to the kidneys at these stages is irreversible.

Hence, it is important that kidney disease is detected early so that timely intervention and treatment can be initiated to better manage the condition and prevent or delay the progression to kidney failure.

What to expect at the CKD Intervention Clinic?

Complimentary screening includes
(No fasting needed)
Who is eligible?
(You will need to meet all of the following 3 eligibility requirements)
• Body Mass Index
• Waist Measurement
• Blood Pressure
• Blood Glucose
• Cholesterol Profile
• Urine Albumin: Creatinine Ratio (tests for signs of kidney disease)
• Serum Creatinine (tests for kidney function)
• Consultation with Dietitian and Exercise Specialist

  • Retinal Eye Screening (checks for major eye diseases), in partnership with the Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI).

    Participants of the retinal imaging study will be reimbursed for their time.
  • You need to be 21 - 80 years old

    Meet ANY ONE of the following criteria:

    - Has family history of kidney disease, diabetes, or hypertension

    - Are known to have diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease*
    *Includes conditions such as heart attack, heart failure, valve disease, stroke and blood vessel/vascular disease

    - Has BMI ≥ 27.5kg/m2

    Have not done any kidney screening in the past 1 year

    If you opt for the retinal eye scan, a 1-way travel reimbursement ($20) after the screening will be provided as eye dilation will be required.

    Keep your health in check at our one-stop screening centre

    Health Screening

    Consultation with Dietitian & Exercise Specialist

    Retinal Eye Screening

    Frequently Asked Questions on Dilation

    1. Why do we need to dilate your eyes before retinal photography?

    Dilating the pupils by instilling dilation eye drops enlarges your eye pupil size, allowing us to have a better view of the retina (located at the back of the eye). This is important as it improves the quality of the retinal images needed for this study. 

    2. How long does it take for the eyes to dilate and how long does the dilation effect last?

    It will take about 15-20 minutes for the pupils to be dilated. On average, it takes about 4-6 hours for your eyes to return to normal.

    3. What are the possible side effects of eye dilation?
    • Once your eyes are dilated, your vision will be blurred and you will have increased sensitivity to bright lights for about 4 hours. As a result, you be more prone to slipping, falling, moving unsteadily, etc.
    • You may experience mild local allergic reactions (i.e. rashes, redness of eye, itch).
    • There is a very small risk of acute angle closure glaucoma (an acute rise in eye pressure), estimated to occur in less than 1 in 5000 people. An eye pressure or shadow light test will be done to assess the risk before instilling eye drops. Dilating eye drops will not be used on patients who are at risk of developing acute angle closure glaucoma.
    4. Can we opt to take retinal photographs without dilation?

    You may opt to take retinal photographs without dilation; however, the quality of the photographs may not be usable.

    5. Can I wear contact lens to the retinal eye screening?

    If you are participating in the eye screening, please wear glasses on the screening day as the dilating drops will interfere with the contact lens.

    What are the Do’s and Don’ts After Eye Dilation?


    CKD Clinic Details

    Getting Here

    From Farrer Park MRT Station (Exit G):

    Bus Service 125
    Alight at St. Michael’s Bus Terminal

    From Toa Payoh Bus Interchange:

    Bus Service 139
    Alight at opposite NKF

    Sign up now to protect your health and the people that matter to you!

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