For two years and eight months during the Covid pandemic, NKF spared no effort in ensuring kidney failure patients continued to receive safe and crucial life-saving...
NKF plays critical role in delivery of essential dialysis
Ms Irene Tam has been suffering from kidney disease since she was a teenager. In early 2021, she was told by her doctor that her condition had worsened and her kidneys were failing, and that she required dialysis to sustain her life.
A selfless act of humanity
“I wanted to give him back his life. He was constantly in pain and agonising over his fate. He had lost all hope to live.”
Giving and growing with NKF
Mendel started his volunteering stint with NKF as a student representative in 2018. Then, he led his cohort of club mates to befriend patients at one of NKF’s dialysis centres on a weekly basis.
“As I found out more about NKF’s role in the community and society, I found greater purpose in being
part of the KWCLR movement to raise awareness about kidney health. Volunteering with NKF
has broadened my horizon; I’ve learnt how important health is, especially our lifestyle and diet.”
Ms Cristabel Yeo
NKF Volunteer
With passion comes a great online renal community
Inspired to pay it forward
It is said that acts of kindness ripples through time. This holds true for Ms Sandra Song, who has been supporting NKF for years.
A tough but fulfilling job
The unsweetened truth about diabetes
“Eating too much sugar causes diabetes.” How many times have you heard of this misinformation?
Are you coco-nut about coconut shakes?
With the hot and humid weather in Singapore, it is easy to understand why many people love cold drinks.
Pre-diabetes: A wake up call, not a life sentence
We are probably all familiar with diabetes melitus, but what about pre-diabetes?
Started back in 2020 during the Covid-19 lockdown, our eShop ‘Shop With A Heart’ serves as an alternative platform for us to raise funds, where sales proceeds will be channelled towards kidney failure patients to subsidise their dialysis treatment and holistic care.