Are you coco-nut about coconut shakes?
With the hot and humid weather in Singapore, it is easy to understand why many people love cold drinks. These days, the craze is all about coconut shakes, which are perceived by many to be a healthier alternative as compared to bubble teas. Just how true is this?
What goes into coconut shakes?
Coconut water is a key ingredient of coconut shakes. However, to elevate its taste and achieve a thick
consistency, coconut shake also contains added sugars or syrups, coconut cream or milk, and even ice
cream! A regular-sized cup (500ml) of coconut shake can contain as much as 300 to 350 calories and about
30g (5 teaspoons) of sugar*. With just one coconut shake, you would have already reached your daily
sugar limit!
*Singapore Heart Foundation, Jul 2021
Here are some tips to make your drink less sinful!
Choose 0% sugar level when ordering your coconut shake to lower your calorie and sugar intake.
Opt for no additional toppings, as that means more added calories, sugar and fats!
Do not upsize your drink.
Be creative and make your own coconut shake! Replace ice cream, coconut milk or cream with low-fat or skimmed milk, and avoid adding sugar.
Choose fresh coconut juice over the processed ones.
Still fancy your coconut shake? Share your drink with someone and remember to consume only in moderation.