NKF Connect
06 . 2024
Join our 55-second exercise challenge!

Join our 55-second exercise challenge!

Join our 55-second exercise challenge to get ourselves psyched and fit! We have curated a series of 5 core-strengthening exercises aimed at boosting core strength and stability, ranging from planks to mountain climbers, focusing on key core muscles to provide a rewarding and invigorating workout experience. Are you ready to take on the challenge and ignite your fitness journey?

Introducing the 5 key exercises

  1. High Plank Hold: Targeting core stability, engaging abdominals and erector spinae muscles.
  2. Plank Jack: Integrating core training with lower limb activation.
  3. Commando: Incorporating core training while engaging the upper limbs.
  4. Shoulder Taps: Targets the superficial abdominal muscles but also engages deeper core stabilisers.
  5. Mountain Climbers: Offering a dynamic workout while focusing on lower core training.

Complete these exercises continuously within a 55-second timeframe.


High Plank Hold

  1. Begin in a high plank position with shoulders above your hands.
  2. Ensure your arms are shoulder width apart.
  3. Keep your body straight from head to heel.
  4. Maintain this position until the time is up.

Plank Jack

  1. Begin in a high plank position.
  2. Form a star shape by jumping your feet out wider than shoulder width.
  3. Quickly jump your feet back together, returning to the starting high plank position.
  4. Repeat according to the given repetitions.


  1. Start off with a high plank position.
  2. Lower yourself onto your right forearm, followed by your left forearm, keeping elbows directly under your shoulders and forearms parallel.
  3. Push up onto your right hand and straighten your right arm. Repeat for your left hand.
  4. Return back to the high plank position.
  5. Repeat according to the given repetitions.

Shoulder Taps

  1. Start off with a high plank position.
  2. Lift your right hand off the ground and tap the left shoulder while maintaining stability.
  3. Return the hand back to the starting position.
  4. Repeat the movement by tapping the opposite shoulder with your left hand.

Mountain Climbers

  1. Begin in a high plank position with shoulders above your hands, ensuring arms are shoulder width apart.
  2. Lift your right foot off the ground and bring your right knee towards your chest.
  3. Keep your left leg extended behind you, pressing toes into the ground for stability.
  4. Quickly switch legs by returning your right foot to the starting position and simultaneously bringing your left knee towards your chest.
  5. Continue alternating legs at a brisk pace, maintaining a stable plank position.

If you have any medical condition, please do not attempt this challenge without consulting your doctor first.

For a full-length video experience of the workout, click on the button below.

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