NKF Connect
06 . 2024
Our soaring life champions

Our soaring life champions

NKF’s 55th anniversary goes beyond recognising collective achievements. It extends to the heart of our mission, encapsulated in the remarkable stories of individuals who have triumphed over adversity and displaying indomitable spirit. The Life Champion Awards ceremony during NKF’s 55th anniversary event honoured individuals who have made exceptional contributions: patients who have exemplified excellent self-management in renal rehabilitation, caregivers who have provided unwavering support to loved ones, and patients whose positivity, determination, and resilience serve as an inspiration to all. Each recipient embodies the spirit of champions in their own unique way, enriching lives and demonstrating the meaningful impact of compassion and perseverance.

As you delve into the pages of this special 55th anniversary newsletter edition, you will discover the compelling stories of four exceptional champions whose courage, strength, and steadfast dedication have not only transformed their own lives but have also significantly impacted their families and communities.

Community Champion

Mohd Kamsani Ab Hamed
Choong Soo Yin (Commendation)
Siti Hamin Abdul Rahim (Commendation)

Empowered Champion

David Leong Seng Chen
Chan Chee Leng (Commendation)
Chua Lay Tin (Commendation)

Inspiring and Resilient Champion

Jamaliah Arrifin
Ab Aziz Jamin (Commendation)
Chai Chong Kuay (Commendation)

Dedicated Caregiver

Tan Geok Lan
Abdul Rahim Amil (Commendation)
Nur Hailikha Mohd Haer (Commendation)