
Jaga Kesihatan Anda!

The more patients learn about the complications of dialysis, the better that can manage them well, make informed decisions and enjoy a fulfilling life.

This handbook “Take Charge of Your Heath!” serves to empower and educate dialysis patients on essential topics for managing their conditions effectively. Presented in a clear and concise manner, it offers user-friendly information to equip patients with knowledge and practical tips on four key topics:

  • Vascular access care
  • Fluid control
  • Fall prevention
  • Anaemia management

Lebih ramai pesakit belajar tentang komplikasi dialisis, lebih baik mereka boleh menguruskannya, membuat keputusan termaklum dan menikmati kehidupan yang memuaskan.

Buku panduan “Jaga Kesihatan Anda!” bertujuan untuk memperkasakan dan mendidik pesakit dialisis mengenai topik penting untuk menguruskan keadaan mereka dengan berkesan. Dibentangkan secara jelas dan ringkas, ia menawarkan maklumat mesra pengguna untuk melengkapkan pesakit dengan pengetahuan dan petua praktikal empat topik utama:

  • Penjagaan akses vaskular
  • Pengurusan cecair
  • Pencegahan daripada jatuh
  • Pengurusan anemia
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*The above information and recommendations are general guidelines, and should not be viewed as specific advice for any individual. Please consult your doctor or other health care advisors for personal health decisions and/or before attempting to increase your exercise intensity level if you have prior medical conditions.

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We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.