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Riding for Hope


in total

257 years
in total age

Give patients hope for a kidney transplant.

Help us raise $257,000!

Four cyclists – Mr Tag Sin Siew, Mr Michael Ngu, Mr Tee Lay Kern and Mr Tan Ah Chwee – whose ages add up to a remarkable 257 years, will embark on a 16-day cycling journey in July across the United Kingdom to raise funds for NKF!

Initiated and organised by the four cyclists, “Riding for Hope” will cover more than 1,600km and will be the longest distance the team ever takes, particularly for one team member, Mr Michael Ngu, 62, who is physically challenged due to a bout of childhood polio, immobilising his lower limb movements. Despite his physical challenge, the rider is determined and optimistic about the upcoming journey. He will be riding on his handcycle, which is three-wheeled and powered by arms rather than legs. Besides Michael, the team leader, Mr Tag Sin Siew, 60, will also ride on a three-wheeled recumbent bike.

They hope to raise $257,000 for charity and every dollar raised will go towards NKF’s efforts in promoting kidney transplant, as all expenses for the trip will be covered by the cyclists. The riders likened their three-wheeled cycles to the three kidneys in a kidney transplant recipient’s body, as the recipient’s own damaged kidneys will not be removed during the transplant. 

“Just like the three-wheeled bicycles allow the cyclists to overcome physical challenges, having three kidneys symbolises hope for a kidney patient, as they are given a new lease of life through the transplant. We are honoured to contribute to a good cause,” said Mr Tag. 

With your support, we managed to raise over


Thank you for your generous contributions towards our cause, and for giving patients hope for a kidney transplant! Because of you, we managed to raise over $260,000, of which funds will go towards helping needy kidney patients. We could not have done this without your support!

Special mention to the four cyclists, Mr Tag Sin Siew, Mr Michael Ngu, Mr Tee Lay Kern and Mr Tan Ah Chwee, for overcoming the odds, and completing the 1,600km journey despite the challenges faced.

First Hand Updates from the Cyclists

Day 1: 8 July 2018

“We embarked on our cycling journey from Land’s End, to conquer a distance of 1,600km. This number may seem daunting, however, in life, it isn’t just about focusing on the numbers, as long as progress is being made.

Riding for 4 to 5 hours, I realised that it is important to just enjoy the journey, taking some time out to admire the scenery and eat. During our journey, we passed by a steep hill, which was about 1,000 meters high. Just like the mountains, it seems never ending. This made me think about what kidney patients go through in their journey, having to face obstacles after obstacles.”

Day 2: 9 July 2018

“Unlike the rest of us, Michael is riding on his handcycle, having to power the bike forward with his arms, rather than legs. It really is not an easy feat for him!

Just like the steep hills, life can be a battle of ups and downs. Everyone’s life journey is different, and there is no need to make comparisons. What’s most important is to make the most out of the life you are given! Just like this cycling journey, it is with the friends and mutual support of loved ones that pull us through difficult times. With this message from the UK, I hope it inspires kidney patients to live a beautiful life!” 

Day 3: 10 July 2018

“Today’s route has been the toughest of all the days, and having managed to conquer a 2,300 meters steep slope! Despite the scorching hot sun, I am still thankful to be able to witness the most scenic and jaw-dropping view of nature at its best.

What an unexpected encounter at dinner; meeting an English man (pictured), who is also here with the same objective of raising funds for charity. Indeed, what a beautiful day!”


Day 4: 11 July 2018

“Unlike driving which uses fuel to get around, cycling requires physical strength. When you drive a car, it brings you from location to location in a quicker speed, while for cycling, the pace is much slower. You pass by rural areas with beautiful sceneries.

Cycling also allows me to admire the little things around me, soaking in the natural smell of flowers and even the fresh cow dungs around the countryside! In life, we have to learn how to cherish every moment and create worthwhile memories to keep.”

Day 5: 12 July 2018

“A passer-by I met mentioned something unforgettable: “If you can wake up in the morning, you would have already started a good day.”

I have known Michael for 22 years, and I admire his perseverance, determination and courage. From a young age of 6 starting out in the old city of Kuching, graduated from the University of Australia, and eventually joined the company of the renowned American architect I.M. Pei. Through some struggles and hard work, he became the CEO of an architect firm.

Every step of the way, he has always looked ahead and not dwell on why an unfortunate thing happened to him. It is his hope that all kidney patients will look forward, have courage and be a normal person.”

Day 6 & 7: 13 & 14 July 2018

“My brother-in-law, Tan Ah Chwee, 74, was a technician when he was younger.

When I was a child, he used to bring me out to play often. Watching movies, swimming, travelling to Malaysia – I really had a happy childhood!

He has always been content with his life and has no contention with others. I have not seen him lose his temper, and whenever anyone has a request, he just went with it. He lives a simple life, having bread for breakfast, white porridge for lunch, and 2 to 3 simple dishes for dinner.

3 years ago, I introduced him to cycling and that’s how he fell in love with the sport, and is able to ride 100km in a day! 

On this trip to UK, he cycles and climbs the mountain every day, and very much enjoys doing so. Today, while cycling, without a drop of water left, he went up to a roadside house and requested for water: “Can you give me some water?” The English man willingly gave him some, and even invited him into the house to drink afternoon tea! Life can be as simple as you want it to be. 🙂

Day 8: 15 July 2018

“What really fascinates me the most in this UK trip is cycling pass the small towns in the countryside. We cycled from Penzance, Bodmin, Bampton, Tintern, all the way to Ironbridge. Today, we arrived at Kirkby Lonsdale and passed by many beautiful small towns on route.

The small towns of UK are well known for being the representatives of villages around the world. They are not only clean and quiet, simple and elegant, but also home to fascinating sceneries. The people there truly seemed laid-back and carefree.  Sitting at the quaint café, drinking a cup of coffee, brings me peace and joy!”

Day 9: 16 July 2018

“Our cycling team for this UK trip consists of 17 people. The 2 leaders are British, and among the 11 other cyclists are: 1 German, 1 Dutch, 1 Middle Eastern, and the other 8 are British.

British society at large is civilized and orderly, and people display gentlemanly gestures. For example, someone who walks in front will always hold the door, waiting for the people behind to pass through. Drivers on the road will always smile and wave to pedestrians at road junctions without traffic lights.

Cycling on the roads for the past week, we have been treated with courtesy and drivers are never aggressive towards us. My experience here in UK has shown me great things and there are many things we can learn from them. Our journey has been really enjoyable!”

Day 10: 17 July 2018

“It’s been a long 8 days of cycling, however with the support of fellow cyclists, we managed to pull through from Land’s End to Peebles, covering a total of 1,032km! Only 5 days till we reach our destination, John o’ Groats, officially completing the 1,600km challenge.

With the constant cycling, I have to admit that I do feel a little tired. Craving for a bowl of prawn noodles, char kway teow or fried hokkien noodles from back home. Michael feels tired as well, having to hand cycle up hill is no easy feat! Ah Chwee on the other hand is still full of energy! His excitement has become our driving force.

As long as we persevere, we will definitely be able to reach the end!”

Day 11: 18 July 2018

“English breakfast is a must try in London, United Kingdom. A common meal in United Kingdom, usually consisting of toast, roasted tomato, sausage, bacon, baked beans and scrambled eggs. This is what we have for breakfast daily, and it can lasts us till 2 to 3 in the afternoon.

Not forgetting Fish and chips, the representative national food in UK! Crispy Fish and chips, usually served with condiments such as ketchup, vinegar, salt, or tartar sauce, has become a classic dish in Britain. Borough Market’s Fish and chips is really one of the best. We cycled to and fro in London for 85km and enjoyed the delicious food. It was definitely worth it!”

Day 12: 19 July 2018

“It is my third time here at the Lake District, Great Lakes. The Great Lakes region is located on the northwest coast of England and was classified as a national park in 1951. The entire Great Lakes region spans 20km from east to west and 30km from north to south, with highlands in the middle, and valleys, mountains and lakes radiating from all directions. It has always been the most beautiful area in the northwest of England! Overlooking peaks, steep valleys, glistening lakes and rolling highlands, the beautiful scenery is enchanting.

I specially brought Ah Chwee to this captivating tourist attraction to appreciate the beautiful lakes and mountains. We walked through the village trails, indulged in the mountains and waters, and enjoyed the quiet rural life, and the mood was very comfortable. If not for the fixed itinerary, I would have stayed for a few more nights!”

Day 14: 21 July 2018

The four cyclists for Riding for Hope have finally arrived at John o’ Groats on 21 July and concluded their cycling journey in United Kingdom! A job well done to the team for making it through the 16 days bravely and for doing this to raise funds for our needy kidney patients.

Just like how the three-wheeled bicycles allow the cyclists to overcome physical challenges, having three kidneys symbolises hope for a kidney patient, as they are given a new lease of life through the transplant. Contribute to this cause and our efforts to promote kidney transplant for kidney patients. You can still do so from now till 17 August.

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General Enquiries

As there are limited car park lots available at NKF Centre visitors may need to park at the nearby HDB car parks in the vicinity.

NKF HQ Mondays –Thursdays
PH / Weekends
8.30am –6.00pm
8.30am –5.00pm
Dialysis Centres Mondays –Saturdays
7.00am –11.00pm
7.00am –11.00pm

We are open on most public holidays except for the 1st day of Chinese New Year.

NKF does not provide ad hoc dialysis treatment. Our patients are on long-term dialysis treatment. You may wish to check with private dialysis centres for ad hoc dialysis treatments.

NKF does not have an outpatient clinic and hence, we are unable to arrange an appointment for members of the public. You may wish to contact a hospital of your choice for outpatient service.

Currently, NKF does not provide health report interpretation service. You may consult your General Practitioner who will be able to assist you.

Someone with kidney failure may not experience any signs and symptoms until it is too late. It is best to do a routine health screening to understand your health status better and detect any abnormalities as early as possible so that you can delay and manage the disease progression.

To know about the signs and symptoms please click here to learn more.

Decreased urination Swollen hands and ankles Sleep disturbances
Blood in the urine (tea-coloured or fresh blood) Puffiness around the eyes High blood pressure
Nausea and vomiting Itching Loss of appetite

All dialysis centres operate on 3 dialysis shifts –morning, noon and evening.

Morning Noon Evening
7.00am –12.00pm 12.00pm – 6.00pm 6.00pm –11.00pm
Timing of your dialysis schedule may vary for each dialysis centres.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday (1,3,5) OR Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (2,4,6)


Our Admissions Counsellor will contact you once your application is finalised. They will be in contact with you soon.

From the day we receive the application form, it will take approximately 3 working days to a week for us to get back to you if you have submitted all completed supporting documents together with your application form to us. Generally, the whole process will take 6 months for the approval.

The overall application review process will take approximately 6 months before the applicant can start the first dialysis treatment. However, if the applicant is able to provide all completed supporting documents and if there is a slot available at the dialysis centre with a right match to the time slot, the waiting time could be shorter.

Currently, we do not have status checking service online. NKF Admissions Counsellor will be in contact with the applicants regarding the status.

You may pick it up from the NKF main office at 81 Kim Keat Road, Singapore 328836 or call us at 6506 2187 to have the forms sent to you.

Means Test is used to determine the amount of subsidies each person needing care is eligible for. Persons from lower income households will be granted higher subsidies under the means test framework.

Means Test subsidies calculation is based in accordance to MOH guidelines.

Our NKF Admissions Counsellor in-charge will contact you in regards to your means test status.

The Medical Social Workers at your hospital will be able to advise you on the different type of subsidies based on your financial situation.

Kidney Live Donor Support Fund

For information on kidney donation in Singapore, you may wish to contact the National Organ Transplant Unit at Tel: 6321 4390 or email

NKF’s Kidney Live Donor Support Fund covers annual health screenings and medical follow-ups; one-time reimbursement for loss of 2 months actual income of $8,500, whichever is lower: reimbursement of hospitalisation and surgical insurance premiums (capped at MediShield Life premiums); pre-transplant screening and evaluation costs for up to 2 potential donors per kidney recipient; and insurance coverage for Group Living. Policy based on sum insured of $200,000.

For more information and eligibility, please click here. 

Donation & Volunteering

You can make the donation through different platforms:

  1. For online donation: please visit
  2. Or you may like to issue a cheque made payable to “The National Kidney Foundation” or “NKF” and mail it to us at 81 Kim Keat Road, Singapore 328836.
  3. Alternatively, you may contact us at 1800-KIDNEYS (5436397) or email us at to send you the donation form.
  4. Road Singapore 328836.

Thank you for your generosity. The cheque should be issued to “The National Kidney Foundation” or “NKF”.

Thank you for bequeathing your CPF contributions to NKF. You can fill up the CPF nomination form which can be downloaded from the CPF website. NKF’s UEN is 200104750M.

Thank you for your generosity. You may like to visit the Ministry of Law’s website where you can find a list of lawyers based in Singapore. Please visit

Our UEN/ Company Registration No. / GST Registration No. is 200104750M.

Please send us an email at or call us at 1800-KIDNEYS (5436397) and we will assist you accordingly.

You may email your new mailing address to , Please include your full name, contact number, old mailing address and UEN or NRIC/FIN (last 3 digits)

You may email us at to get the donation form. Please fill up your new GIRO/credit card number, donation amount and sign the form. Thereafter, post the GIRO form back to NKF for processing.

For credit card, you may wish to scan the form and send it to NKF via either of these options:

Email –

Fax – 6253 0417

Mail – 81 Kim Keat Road, Singapore 328836

Please email us at with your full name, UEN/NRIC/FIN and mailing address.

Please email us at to have the termination form sent to you. Please fill it up and send it back to us for processing and auditing purposes.

All outright cash donations to NKF are entitled to tax deduction because NKF is a registered charity with an IPC (Institutions of Public Character) status. We are able to issue tax deductible receipts for qualifying donations to our donors.

You are entitled to a tax deduction of 2.5 times the value of your donation in the preceding year.

You may sign up via our website at

If you do not have access to the internet, please call us at 1800-KIDNEYS (5436397) to have the application form sent to you. Please fill it up and send it back to us at 81 Kim Keat Road Singapore 328836.

Once we receive your application, our colleague from the Donor and Volunteer Management Department will contact you for a phone interview. After which, you will be invited to attend our volunteer orientation. This is to allow you to have a better understanding of the volunteering activities.

The minimum age is 13 years old. For volunteers who are below the age of 21, you will need to get parental consent. You may download the consent form here.

We strongly encourage our volunteers to commit at least a year so that we can better support our patients. Our programmes and activities are flexible, you can choose your volunteering schedule according to your interest and availability.

You may volunteer with us basing on your availability. We will send a weekly email to our volunteers indicating the up-coming volunteering opportunities. You can then match your availability to the activity schedule.

We have an array of volunteering activities to suit your interest and availability. To learn more about the volunteering activities we offer, please visit

Anyone and everyone can join us as a volunteer. All applicants will be required to undergo a mandatory orientation session where you will gain insights into the Foundation’s cause, kidney disease as well as learn more about the volunteering activities we offer. Regular trainings are also conducted for all volunteers so that they can better perform their role.

Most definitely! We welcome schools, companies and community groups to volunteer with us as part of their Values In Action and Corporate Social Responsibility activities. Please get in touch with us on your interest by sending an email to

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