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Audit & Risk Committee
The Audit & Risk Committee review the efficiency and effectiveness of the Foundation’s material internal controls, including operational and compliance controls, risk management and evaluate adherence; ascertain the adequacy of the Foundation’s corporate governance, policies and procedures and the extent of adherence thereto; serve as an independent and objective party to review the integrity of the financial information presented by management to the members, regulators and the general public; provide communication between the Board and both the external and internal auditors; and reviews and ascertains the extent of independence of the external and internal auditors.
Chairman of the Committee

Professor Ho Yew Kee
Professor of Practice
Deputy Dean of Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies
City University of Hong Kong
Members of the Committee

Mr Philip Chong
Retired Partner,

Mr Gregory Tan Siew Hin
Commander, Central Division,
Singapore Police Force (SPF)

Ms Tan Peck Joo
Former Head of Internal
Audit Siloam Hospital group
Former Executive Chairman of Siloam Hospital Lippo Village and Rumah Sakit
Umum Siloam