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Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee reviews the size, structure and composition of the Board and Board committees, succession plans for the Board, Board Committees and that of the CEO, as well as the competencies, independence and time commitment of directors. It also initiates the search for new directors and recommends new directors and existing directors for reappointment to the Board, as well as reviews the proposed appointment of committee members. It also reviews the process and tools for evaluating Board, Committee and individual director performance. The Committee’s recommendations are subject to Board approval and the appointment of members to the Nomination Committee and its terms of reference are approved by the Board.
Chairman of the Committee

Professor Mak Yuen Teen
Professor of Accounting,
NUS Business School,
National University of Singapore
Members of the Committee

Mr Arthur Lang, PBM
Group Chief Financial Officer,

Mr Koh Poh Tiong
Director & Adviser, Fraser and Neave Limited