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Board of Directors
The Board is governed by terms of reference with clearly defined scope, authority, duties and responsibilities, including matters pertaining to succession planning, composition and conduct of meetings. The Board strives to ensure that Board members, as a group, have core competencies in areas such as accounting and finance, business and general management, communications, healthcare, human resource, law, medicine, strategic planning and technology and that it incorporates a degree of diversity.
The Board believes that there should be a good balance between board size, gender mix and diversity of expertise so that the Board will be able to offer objective and quality viewpoints to ensure NKF is well governed and managed effectively. The selection and appointment of Board members are overseen by the Nomination Committee based on the terms of reference established, including the size of the Board and the term limits. All Board members are volunteers and are not remunerated. In addition, Board evaluation is carried out annually for assessment of its effectiveness and to drive improvement, as appropriate.

Mr Arthur Lang, PBM
(Appointed on 1 November 2020)

Mr Ang Hao Yao, CFA
Vice -Chairman
(Appointed on 1 January 2024)
Finance Committee, Chairman

Professor Chan Choong Meng
(Appointed on 1 April 2017)

Ms Choo Oi Yee
(Appointed on 1 February 2021)
Fundraising Committee, Chairman

Professor Ho Yew Kee
(Appointed on 13 April 2020)
Audit & Risk Committee, Chairman

Mr Jerry Koh
(Appointed on 1 April 2017)
Human Resource Committee, Chairman

Mr Benjamin Lee
(Appointed on 1 April 2017)

Mr Ng Boon Yew BBM, BBM(L)
(Appointed on 1 July 2017)
Investment Committee, Chairman

Mr Alvin Ong
(Appointed on 1 February 2021)
Technology Committee, Chairman

Ms Wong Su Yen
(Appointed on 1 January 2018)
Nomination Committee, Member

Ms Shirley Wong Swee Ping
(Appointed on 1 November 2016)

Professor Yaacob Bin Ibrahim
(Appointed on 1 February 2021)