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Dialysis Centre Locations

NKF Integrated Renal Centre Supported by The Sirivadhanabhakdi Foundation

500 Corporation Road (S)649808
(65) 6359 3610 / (65) 6359 3620

The IRC offers one-stop integrated and seamless care for NKF patients and residents staying in this vicinity by collaborating with community partners such as SATA CommHealth and Lakeside Family Services.

With dietitians, exercise specialists and occupational therapists stationed at the IRC, as well as rehabilitative facility and equipment, patients have access to holistic care services that can help to improve their functionality and quality of life. It is also the largest dialysis centre in Singapore with 120 stations, which can cater to 720 patients. Phase 1 of the IRC, with 40 dialysis stations commenced operations in May 2018, while the IRC will be fully operational by August.

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