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Nocturnal Dialysis for Better Health Outcomes

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance clinical outcomes for patients, NKF first introduced its nocturnal dialysis programme, the first-of-its kind in Singapore in 2016. Currently, three dialysis centres, NKF Hougang-Punggol Dialysis Centre, Lew Foundation-NKF Dialysis Centre in Clementi, and NKF Dialysis Centre Supported by The Singapore Contractors Association Ltd (SCAL) in Woodlands provide overnight haemodialysis treatments.

Compared to conventional haemodialysis sessions which last 4 hours, nocturnal dialysis takes 6 to 7 hours at night. Much research has shown that nocturnal dialysis results in better patient outcomes for medically suitable patients. The longer duration of dialysis enables the toxic wastes and fluids to be removed at a slower rate and hence, reduce the risk of complications such as low blood pressure, giddiness and cramps. If patients have lesser complications, it will help achieve better outcomes as lesser complications will have less stress on the heart and other vital organs.

Moreover, longer dialysis treatment allows for the removal of some of the bigger sized toxins which are not removed efficiently by the usual dialysis. As dialysis is carried out at night while patients sleep, they can enjoy greater flexibility in their schedules as it frees their day time for more activities such as going to work or school, and spending time with family and friends.

In 2022, plastic needles were introduced to improve safety and enhance patients’ sleep during nocturnal dialysis. Replacing the traditional use of metal needles, the plastic needles are designed to accommodate tortuous vessels, minimising pain and discomfort when nocturnal patients move their hands while sleeping. This innovation allows for uninterrupted rest and reduces the risk of dislodgement, which could potentially puncture the fistula and cause bleeding under the skin.

Read more on how nocturnal dialysis has made a difference in the lives of patients below:


Mdm Tuginam Amin, 628 Hougang DC

Mdm Tuginam Amin has taken up the overnight dialysis because she prefers spending her day taking care of the house and going for exercise workouts.

“I choose nocturnal dialysis because it allows me to plan my day more effectively. Instead of spending 4 hours in the morning at the centre 3 times a week, I make use of my sleeping hours to undergo dialysis treatment at night. This way, I can wake up the next day to do my house chores, go grocery shopping, and even meet my friends for Tai Chi. Being out and about in the day also gives me the freedom to visit my grandchildren. Since the centre offered plastic needle, I no longer feel pain when I move around during the treatment session. This allows me to rest more comfortably.”

Mr Koh Seng Wee, Clementi DC

Mr Koh Seng Wee now has a stable job because he no longer needs to make time for dialysis sessions during the day.

“Previously, I was doing daytime dialysis, which made it challenging to manage my work schedule and led to me changing jobs a few times. Thankfully, with nocturnal dialysis, I now have time in the day to focus on work and can return home for dinner with my family in the evening before going for dialysis at night while I sleep.”

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