The Kidney Care Conference Singapore 2018 aims to provide a platform for the renal community to share and exchange valuable insights, views and experiences. The theme of the conference is “Integrated Kidney Care”.
The conference encompasses symposiums by doctors, nurses and allied health professionals on care of kidney patients who are pre CKD5 to Dialysis phase.
Target audience: doctors, nurses, medical social workers, renal coordinators, dieticians, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, pharmacists, administrators, executives
The programme includes:-
(i) 2 plenary to be delivered by distinguished guest speaker, Professor Edwina Brown, from Imperial College Renal & Transplant Centre, Hammersmith Hospital
(ii) 2 symposiums:-
- Early CKD Care with topics on screening and prevention, halt CKD and empowering modality choice
- Supportive Care includes supportive renal care in Singapore, renal nutritional support and psychogeriatric care for the elderly CKD patients.
(iii) Free communications
Call for Abstracts
Please visit above to find details on abstract submission and guidelines
$30 per person (includes lunch and two tea breaks)
CME and CPE points will be awarded
For more information and enquiries, please email or call 6506 1778.