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Make a Planned Gift

Planned Giving can make a significant impact on our kidney patients’ lives and helps to ensure the future of the services and programmes we provide in Singapore.

How To Make A Planned Gift?

You can pledge your property, CPF, savings or life insurance policy to:

The National Kidney Foundation
(UEN: 200104750M)
81 Kim Keat Road, Singapore 328836

CPF & Insurance Policy

To nominate NKF as a beneficiary to your CPF you are required to complete the “CPF Nomination Form” (Form 6A(1) – CASH) (PDF, 1.1MB), which can be found on CPF website, in the presence of two witnesses and submit the form to any CPF Service Centres.

For nominating NKF as a beneficiary to your insurance policy, you may download the nomination form from your respective insurance organisations.

Property, Savings & Residuary Gifts
Property, savings and residuary gifts can be pledged through a will. If you have already made a will, but want to make a planned gift to us, your solicitor can advise you on how you can do this without affecting the specific gifts you leave your family and friends. For more information about leaving a gift in your will or naming The National Kidney Foundation in your will or trust, please email
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Please be informed that our online donation will be temporarily unavailable on Thursday, 6th March 2025, from 9:00 PM to Friday, 7th March 2025, 6:00 AM for maintenance. If you have any other donation inquiries during this time, please feel free to email us at We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause