

Kidney Live Donor Support Fund

One of the NKF’s missions has always been to promote kidney transplant and support the legislation and awareness of kidney donation since the early 1970s. Continuing with its efforts to encourage kidney donation, the NKF’s “Kidney Live Donor Support Fund” is another initiative to promote renal transplantation as this offers best long-term survival and quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the "NKF Kidney Live Donor Support Fund"?

It is a $10 million fund set up to encourage more live donors to give kidneys to their loved ones through the provision of financial assistance for low-income patients. The implementation of the fund took effect on 1 November 2009 in conjunction with the amendment to the Human Organ Transplant Act (HOTA).

2. Who is eligible to apply for the Kidney Live Donor Support Fund?

Only Singaporean Citizens and Permanent Residents referred by public health institutions will be eligible to apply for this Fund and must meet the NKF means test criteria. To encourage live kidney transplant, only the recipient is required to pass the NKF means test criteria.

3. What does the fund cover?

The funding covers the following:

  • Pre-transplant screening and evaluation costs for up to two potential donors per kidney recipient
  • Cost of annual health screening and medical follow-ups as directed by Restructured
    Hospital Physicians.
  • One-time reimbursement for loss of two months actual income or $8,500, whichever is lower
  • Reimbursement of Hospitalisation & Surgical insurance premiums (Capped at MediShield
    Life Reimbursement).
  • Insurance coverage for Group Living Policy based on sum insured of $200,000
4. What does the "Group Living Policy" cover?

1. Heart Attack
2. Cancer
3. Multiple Sclerosis
4. Blindness
5. Paralysis
6. Fulminant Hepatitis
7. Stroke
8. Kidney Failure
9. Major Organ Transplant
10. Coronary Artery Disease
11. Alzheimer Disease
12. Aorta Surgery
13. Coma
14. Deafness
15. Heart Valve Surgery

16. Loss of Speech
17. Major Burns
18. Terminal Illness
19. Aplastic Anaemia
20. Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
21. Chronic Lung Disease
22. Chronic Liver Disease
23. Motor Neurone Disease
24. Muscular Dystrophy
25. Parkinson’s Disease
26. Angioplasty
27. Bacterial Meningitis
28. Benign Brain Tumour
29. Encephalitis
30. AIDS due to Blood Transfusion

5. How soon will the "Group Living Policy" take effect?
It will take effect 12 weeks after the date of the kidney transplant operation, subject to approval by the Insurer.
6. Do the kidney donors have to pay for the "Group Living Policy"?
The “Group Living Policy” for the kidney donors will be fully subsidised by NKF.
7. How many years will the live donor be covered for under the “Group Living Policy”?
The insurance plan will cover the donor until the maximum age of 69 at the last birthday. For instance, if the donor is 50 at the time of the transplant, he or she will be covered for 19 years (age of 69 as per the age limit of the Group Living Policy).
8. Who will cover the donor if the transplant operation fails?
Every donor is strongly encouraged to obtain a MediShield coverage before they go for the surgery so that all hospitalisation and surgical costs will be covered by MediShield. NKF will reimburse their premiums should they passed the means test criteria.
9. If this $10 million fund is depleted, will it be topped up?
The initial funding of $10 million comes from NKF’s existing surplus fund, if the fund is depleted, NKF will raise additional funds for this Programme.

Click Below to Download the Application Form:

Kidney Transplant

Transplant is by far the best means of treatment, as the “replacement kidney” can substitute almost fully the lost functions of the failed kidneys, and allow the patient to lead a normal life.

Hope Meets Gratitude

Meet our patients and their loved ones whose remarkable experiences gifted the kidney transplant journey a voice and offered life and hope.

Eating Right for Kidney Transplant Patients

A healthy and balanced diet still plays an important role in maintaining overall health and keeping the transplanted kidney working well.

Keeping Fit for Kidney Transplant Patients

Exercise helps to improve the cardiovascular function of the body, regulates blood pressure, and blood sugar for kidney transplant patients.​
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