We walk with you every step of the way
Types of Kidney Treatments
Haemodialysis (HD)
Peritoneal Dialysis (PD)
Kidney Transplant

Haemodialysis is a way of cleansing the blood of toxins, extra salt and fluids through a dialysis machine. It helps maintain proper chemical balance such as potassium, sodium and chloride and keeps blood pressure under control.

A home-based treatment, the inside lining of your abdomen acts as a natural filter. Wastes are removed by a sterile fluid, which flows in and drains out of your abdomen in cycles. There are 2 types of PD – Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis and Automated Peritoneal Dialysis.

Did you know that you, a family member or a friend can be a living kidney donor? Transplant is by far the best means of treatment, as the “replacement kidney” can substitute almost fully the lost functions of the failed kidneys, and allow the patient to lead a normal life.
Support Services for
Patient | Caregiver
NKF has broadened our scope of support for patients and their family members by providing resources and care programmes.

Admission Eligibility & Cost Structure
All applicants will undergo financial assessment through a comprehensive means test.
Dialysis Centres Location
As part of our on-going community integration efforts, NKF aims to bring dialysis closer to patients' homes. Currently, NKF has 43 dialysis centres islandwide.
The NKF-Patient Partnership
We have a team of health care professionals partnering patients in their own care, with the eventual aim of integrating patients and their families into society, and lead meaningful lives.
Caregiver Resources & Tips
NKF understands that caregiving for family members can be both challenging and rewarding. We seek to provide support to caregivers in their caregiving journey.